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Sharh kitab att-harah min bulogh al-maram (شرح كتاب الطهارة من بلوغ المرام)

Sharh kitab att-harah min bulogh al-maram (شرح كتاب الطهارة من بلوغ المرام)

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Sharh kitab att-harah min bulogh al-maram (شرح كتاب الطهارة من بلوغ المرام)

Author:معالي الشيخ صالح بن عبدالعزيز بن محمد آل الشيخ
Binding:hard cover
Size cm:18x25
Publisher:Dar Al-Hijaz Lilnashr Wa taozee
Book subject: Taharah, ( purity) is an essential aspect of Islam. It is the opposite of najis, things which are considered ritually impure are in the state of najāsa. Quran says: "In it there are men who love to observe purity and Allah loves those who maintain purity." Importance in Islam Observing cleanliness of the soul, the clothes, and the surroundings is obligatory upon every Muslim, and this is considered as one of the pillars of Islam. Before offering prayers, it is necessary to perform wudu, and in certain cases, both wudu and ghusl. The purifying agent is always pure water. However, during times when water is not available or is scarce, symbolic wudu and ghusl can be performed with clean dry earth which is known as Tayammum. If the body or clothes show traces of blood, pus, urine, feces, semen or alcohol, then Taharat becomes essential. The clothes should be washed and the affected part of the body cleaned with pure water, or the whole body given as ghusl as the case may be. So this book covers all aspects mentioned above.
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