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LEARN ISLAM (Part 1) Simple Translation of TA'LEEMUL ISLAM

LEARN ISLAM (Part 1) Simple Translation of TA'LEEMUL ISLAM

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LEARN ISLAM (Part 1) Simple Translation of TA'LEEMUL ISLAM

Author:Abdullah Fahim
Publisher:Darul Qur’an London


1) ♡♡♡ Very simple, easy and child-friendly language

2) ♡♡♡ Illustrated, colourful and subject-related images

3)♡♡♡  Interactive and creative exercises/activities [not included in the original Urdu book]

4) ♡♡♡ Hight quality print and high quality paper

5) ♡♡♡ One chapter on Islamic manners and another chapter on Hadith have been added.

6) ♡♡♡ 3 top scholars in the UK have commended the book by writing forewords.

7) ♡♡♡ Many more other features. 


“It is a book with great benefits and plenty of merits. As a result, it has been accepted as a core textbook by most of the Islamic schools in the Indian subcontinent and outside.”
“....I have looked at it very closely from the beginning to the end, and I found it to be very good and beneficial.”

----Shaykhul-Hadith Allamah Mahmud Hussain Saheb

“In my opinion, this translation should be included in the curricula of all madrasas (Islamic schools) and maktabs (supplementary schools) of Europe. It is a very suitable book for teaching children.”

---Hadhrat Mufti Abu Zafr Saheb

"Our beloved son Mawlana Abdullah Fahim – may Allah Almighty safeguard him – has begun to translate the renowned book, Ta’leemul-Islam, which was written for children by the Grand Mufti of India, Hadhrat Mawlana Mufti Kifaayatullah Saheb – may Allah have mercy upon him – into easy English; and by the grace of Allah, the first two parts have become complete. 

All praise be to Allah! I became happy seeing the beloved writer’s endeavour. And I have very strong hope from Allah Almighty and Blessed that He will make it a means of great benefits and plenty of goodness for Muslims. Moreover, it will also be, Allah willing, the best Sadaqah Jaariah (perpetual charity) for the beloved (writer)."

---Hadhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammad Nazeer Saheb

The former rector of Darul-Uloom Deoband, Hakimul-Islam Qari Tayyib (rahimahullah) states that when he went to Zanzibar (Tanzania), he witnessed that “Ta’leemul-Islam” is included in the curricula of the madrassahs there.

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