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The History of Islam - 3 Volume Set

The History of Islam - 3 Volume Set

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The History of Islam - 3 Volume Set

Cover: Hardback
Author: Mufti Intizamullah Shihabi Qadi Zayn ul Abidin
Translator: Mufti Abdullah Moolla
Publisher: Madrasah Arabia Islamia Zam Zam Publisher
Pages: 988
Size: 24 x 16.5cm
Weight: 2420g

Any person who studies history throughly will come to the conclusion that actually there is really nothing 'new' happening on earth. Through the passage of time, history continues to repeat itself in a unique way. Names, places and dates may have changed, but many historic events of the past repeat themselves with very little variation. 

Hence, the need for every human to study history and more so, for every Muslim, as the Noble Quran draws our attention to the importance of history: "So relate the chronicles so that they may ponder." 

The fact that Allah SWT mentions so many incidents of the nations of the past in the Noble Quran, is another proof of the fundamental importance of history in the life of a Muslim. Muslims should study history with the aim of deriving lessons from the lives of the previous nations, the factors that led to their success and rise, or the causes of their fall & decline. Traits which made them the chosen ones of Allah and weaknesses which dropped them from the esteem of Allah. In this way, History will serve as an excellent guide to develop a dynamic Ummah which, in the light of history, will adopt the facts of success and safeguard themselves from the pitfalls of the previous nations

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