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Al Thaahir ; The Evidence, The Quran, The Manifest. by Sahar Maurice

Al Thaahir ; The Evidence, The Quran, The Manifest. by Sahar Maurice

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Al Thaahir ; The Evidence, The Quran, The Manifest. by Sahar Maurice


Al Thaahir: The Evidence, the Outer, the Manifest is a reflection that summarises yet magnifies, that
shines a light on what we tend to forget. It is a reminder of what we need to do to bring ourselves
to be connected again with the Higher Power. It is here, in the now, that many are too distracted
to feel this connection. But we are never far from what witness to us the presence of God.
The manuscript was written in Arabic and German when Sahar was a student at the Goethe
Institute in Cairo.
Thirty years later the research by Sahar went from A4 stored paper into a published book.
Al Thaahir: The Evidence, the Outer, the Manifest provides readers with the opportunity to develop
or rekindle the loving relationship the Higher Power, Be remimded and Be empowered.

Author: Sahar Maurice
Binding: Soft Cover
Pages: 106
Size cm:15x23 cm
Publisher: Balboa.Press
Weight:212 g

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